
Arcus defines the IIPAddressRange interface for representation of consecutive IPAddress objects. It implements both IFormattable and IEnumerable<IPAddress>.


IIPAddressRange implements IEnumerable<IPAddress>, this means that you should pay particular attention when you may be iterating over large ranges. Such as the full set of IPv6 addresses, which will take a while. A long while. It isn’t recommended.


When dealing with more than one IPAddress or multiple implementations of IIPAddressRange unless otherwise explicitly stated their AddressFamily, or equivalent properties, must match.


AddressFamily unless otherwise explicitly stated are expected to be either InterNetwork or InterNetworkV6.

IIPAddressRange is implemented by AbstractIPAddressRange, IPAddress Range, and Subnet.

Functionality Promises


IIPAddressRange has a handful of useful properties for your use

AddressFamily AddressFamily

The family of the Address Range. You’ll most likely encounter InterNetwork or InterNetworkV6

IPAddress Head

The first IPAddress within the range

bool IsIPv4

Returns true if, and only if, the range is IPv4

bool IsIPv6

Returns true if, and only if, the range is IPv6

bool IsSingleIP

Returns true if, and only if, the range is comprised of only a single IPAddress

BigInteger Length

The number of IPAddress within the range

IPAddress Tail

The last IPAddress within the range

Set Based Operations

At its core an implementation of the IIPAddressRange interface is a range of consecutive IPAddress objects, as such there are some set based operations available.


HeadOverlappedBy will return true if the head of this is within the range defined by IIPAddressRange that.

bool HeadOverlappedBy(IIPAddressRange that);


TailOverlappedBy will return true if the tail of this is within the range defined by IIPAddressRange that.

bool TailOverlappedBy(IIPAddressRange that);


Overlaps will return true if the head or tail of IIPAddressRange that is within the this IIPAddressRange.

bool Overlaps(IIPAddressRange that);


Touches will return true if the tail of this IIPAddressRange is followed consecutively by the head of IIPAddressRange that, or if the tail of IIPAddressRange that is followed consecutively by the head of this IIPAddressRange without any additional IPAddress objects in between.

bool Touches(IIPAddressRange that);

Length and TryGetLength

The IIPAddressRange implements IEnumerable<IPAddress>, but because of the possible size of this range it may not always be safe to attempt to do a count or get the length in a traditional manner. A BigInteger Length property is provided but not always ideal but often necessary. Keep in mind the full range of IPv6 Addresses is \(2^{128}\) in length. That’s \(3.4\times10^{38}\) or over 340 undecillion. Certainly not something that should be iterated in order to be counted.

Given that the BigInteger object isn’t the best thing to drag around Arcus uses the magic of math and with the various implementations of TryGetLength to get the length of the range in a more portable manner if possible, returning true on success and outing the more reasonable int or long length.

bool TryGetLength(out int length);
bool TryGetLength(out long length);