
The Subnet type, flavored in both IPv4 or IPv6, is a representation of a subnetwork within Arcus. It is the workhorse and original reason for the Arcus library. Outside the concept of the Subnet object, most everything else in Arcus is auxiliary and exists only in support of making this one facet work. That’s not to say that the remaining pieces of the Arcus library aren’t useful, on the contrary their utility can benefit a developer greatly. But that said, once the dark and mysterious magic of the Subnet is understood the rest of Arcus should be easy to understand.

Keep in mind that a Subnet is not an arbitrary range of addresses, for that you want an IPAddress Range, but rather conforms to a range of length \(2^n\) starting a particular position, following the typical rules of Classless Inter-Domain Routing.

The Subnet class extends AbstractIPAddressRange and implements IIPAddressRange, IEquatable<Subnet>, IComparable<Subnet>, IFormattable, IEnumerable<IPAddress>, and ISerializable.


Be aware that Subnet does not extend IPAddress Range but does implement IIPAddressRange.


There are a number of ways to instantiate a Subnet. Your most likely candidates are direct construction with a new, the use of a static factory method on the Subnet class, or the use of sub-set of static factory methods that handle parsing of strings. Most of the factory methods have a “try” style safe alternative that will return a bool and out the constructed value.


Unless otherwise specified each creation technique is valid for both IPv4 and IPv6 subnetworks.

constructor IPAddress lowAddress, IPAddress highAddress

The most common way to create a Subnet is to construct it via a IPAddress lowAddress and IPAddress highAddress. This will construct the smallest possible Subnet that would contain both IP addresses. Typically, the address specified are the Network and Broadcast addresses (lower and higher bounds) but this is not necessary.

Addresses MUST be the same address family (either InterNetwork or InterNetworkV6).

public Subnet(IPAddress lowAddress, IPAddress highAddress)

constructor IPAddress address, int routingPrefix

It is also possible to create a Subnet from an IPAddress address and an int routingPrefix. This is equivalent of programmatically using a CIDR to define your Subnet.

public Subnet(IPAddress address, int routingPrefix)

The following example shows that the IPAddress and routingPrefix constructor taking an input of and 24 creates a Subnet Note that the Head is and not, this is done as Arcus will autocorrect the input to a valid Subnet. If this is not desired it is advised that you compare the Head to the input in order to validate expectations.

Subnet Address and Route Prefix Constructor Example
public void Address_RoutePrefix_Subnet_Example()
    // Arrange
    var ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
    const int routePrefix = 24;

    // Act
    var subnet = new Subnet(ipAddress, routePrefix);

    // Assert
    Assert.Equal(256, subnet.Length);
    Assert.Equal("", subnet.Head.ToString());
    Assert.Equal("", subnet.Tail.ToString());
    Assert.Equal(24, subnet.RoutingPrefix);
    Assert.Equal("", subnet.ToString());

constructor IPAddress address

On the rare occasion it may be desired to make a Subnet comprised of a single IPAddress. This is possible with the following constructor.

public Subnet(IPAddress address)

The following example shows that the single IPAddress constructor taking an input of creates a Subnet that is comprised of only the single input address.

Subnet Single Address Constructor Example
public void Single_Address_Subnet_Example()
   // Arrange
   var ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");

   // Act
   var subnet = new Subnet(ipAddress);

   // Assert
   Assert.Equal(1, subnet.Length);
   Assert.Equal(ipAddress, subnet.Single());
   Assert.Equal("", subnet.ToString());

factory IPAddress and NetMask

A once popular way to define a IPv4 subnetwork was to use a netmask, a specialized form of consecutive bitmasking, along side an IPAddress.

The following factory methods may be used to create an IPv4 Subnet where as the IPAddress address is the address, and the IPAddress netmask is the valid netmask.

public static Subnet FromNetMask(IPAddress address, IPAddress netmask)
public static bool TryFromNetMask(IPAddress address, IPAddress netmask, out Subnet subnet)

factory From Big-Endian Byte Arrays

IPAddress objects may not always be handy, in some cases only a couple of big-endian byte arrays may be available. This will construct the smallest possible Subnet that would contain both byte arrays as IP addresses. Typically, the address specified are the Network and Broadcast addresses (lower and upper bounds) but this is not necessary.

The given byte arrays are interpreted as being in big-endian ordering are are functionally the equivalent construction an IPAddress using its byte[] constructor.

public static Subnet FromBytes(byte[] lowAddressBytes, byte[] highAddressBytes)
public static bool TryFromBytes(byte[] lowAddressBytes, byte[] highAddressBytes, out Subnet subnet)

parse string

It is pretty common to tote around a string as a representation of a subnet, but you needn’t do such any longer. Assuming said string subnetString represents something roughly similar to a CIDR Arcus will hand you a Subnet.

If a representation of an IP Address string is provided the resulting Subnet will consist of only that address.

public static Subnet Parse(string subnetString)
public static bool TryParse(string subnetString, out Subnet subnet)

parse IPAddress string and RoutingPrefix int

It is also possible to build a Subnet from an String address and an int routingPrefix.

public static Subnet Parse(string addressString, int routingPrefix)
public static bool TryParse(string addressString, int routingPrefix, out Subnet subnet)

parse IPAddress strings

A rather common way to to build a Subnet is to provide a pair of string objects, in this case a string lowAddress and string highAddress. This will construct the smallest possible Subnet that would contain both IP addresses. Typically, the address specified are the Network and Broadcast addresses (lower and higher bounds) but this is not necessary.

public static Subnet Parse(string lowAddressString, string highAddressString)
public static bool TryParse(string lowAddressString, string highAddressString, out Subnet subnet)


The Subnet implements IIPAddressRange, IEquatable<Subnet>, IComparable<Subnet>, IFormattable, and IEnumerable<IPAddress>, and there by contains all the expected functionality it inherits.


In addition to the properties defined in IIPAddressRange Subnet provides a few more additional options

IPAddress BroadcastAddress

An alias to the Tail property

IPAddress Netmask

The calculated netmask of the subnet, only valid for IPv4 based subnets. All others will be return a null value

IPAddress NetworkPrefixAddress

An alias to the Head property

int RoutingPrefix

The routing prefix used to specify the subnet

BigInteger UsableHostAddressCount

The number of usable addresses in the subnet ignoring both the Broadcast and Network addresses

Set Based Operations

Inherently a Subnet is a range of IPAddress objects, as such there is some set based operations available.

In addition to the set based operations promised by IIPAddressRange, the Subnet type also has a few new options.


It is possible to easily check if a subnet is entirely encapsulates another subnet by using the Contains method on the larger Subnet.

public bool Subnet.Contains(Subnet subnet)

In the following example it is shown that contains, but as expected does not contain

Subnet Contains Example
public void Contains_Example()
    // Arrange
    var subnetA = Subnet.Parse("", 8);   // -
    var subnetB = Subnet.Parse("", 16);  // -
    var subnetC = Subnet.Parse("", 8);     // -

    // Assert


It is possible determine if a subnet in any way overlaps another subnet, even if just by a single address, by using the Contains between two subnets.

This is a transitive operation, so if Subnet A overlaps Subnet B then B overlaps A as well.

public bool Overlaps(Subnet subnet)

In the following example it is shown that and each overlap each other. However, due to their disparate address families, ::/0 and do not overlap despite being equivalent ranges in the differing in integer spaces.

Subnet Overlaps Example
public void Overlaps_Example()
   // Arrange
   var ipv4SubnetA = Subnet.Parse("", 16);
   var ipv4SubnetB = Subnet.Parse("", 0);

   var ipv6SubnetA = Subnet.Parse("::", 0);
   var ipv6SubnetB = Subnet.Parse("abcd:ef01::", 64);

   // Act


Subnet offers a number or preexisting formats that are accessible via the standard ToString method provided by IFormattable

Subnet format values





null, empty string, g, G

Default / General format

CIDR representation

f, F

“friendly” format

CIDR representaion for Subnets of size > 1 Single address representation for Subnetes of size 1 or

r, R

range format

A range represented by NetworkPrefix - Brodcast

ab::3d00 - ab::3dff